Hey there and thanks for visiting my site! My name is Melissa and I am excited to share my coded path journey with you!
I'll first start off by telling you I am a wife to an amazing man, and a mom to a 10 year old boy and 1 year old baby boy who both light up my life.
My days are often filled with caring for and teaching our baby as well as helping with virtual schooling, homework, cooking, household chores, and teaching myself new technologies that will help pave the way for my future.
After the birth of my first son, I decided to quit my hospitality job of 10 years and become a stay at home mom. I worked at a 4 star hotel and enjoyed my time there. It was a great job and even led me to meeting my husband(He also worked there). Once I had my child, I quickly realized the hotel was not the place for a person who wants to raise a family and be present in their child's life. The hotel required working long hours, no set schedule, working nights/weekends and holidays. All these disadvantages made me realize I would be kept away from my child, and inevitably make me miss out on seeing him grow up. I worked until I was 9 months pregnant and I never looked back once he was brought into this world.
I truly believe becoming a stay at home mom was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I got to spend so much time with my child, and teach him so many things. Once he finally did start school he was way beyond his peers and he ended up skipping a grade. I realize being a stay at home mom is not for everyone but for me it was rewarding and made me proud of what I accomplished with him.
Once my son was in school, I had time to focus on myself and plan for my future. I did not want to backtrack into hospitality, so I knew I needed another skill set. I decided to teach myself computer programming. I was able to find free resources online which taught me web development. I began with languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Once I felt comfortable with what I had learned, I was offered a freelance job by my father-in-law and created a website from scratch for his business. I have to admit I was quite proud of myself for being able to apply everything I learned and turn my code into a functioning, live website. (you may view it here https://www.familygeneticsresearch.com )
This journey has led me to enjoy learning code, while also discovering there are so many other opportunities within the IT field. My husband provided me with the motivation to push myself into learning something new. He changed careers after realizing he wanted something better for himself. He dedicated his time to learning and studying something completely foreign to him. After many long hours and months of studying he passed his certification tests and now has his CCNP (Certified Cisco Network Professional). His journey has not been easy, but now he loves his job as a Network Engineer. His job provides him with good pay and a great schedule. I am super proud of his journey and the steps he has taken to be where he is.
If you are looking to learn something new while trying to plan for your future, I recommend looking into the IT field. There are many directions you can go within this industry.
If you are looking for someone to talk and relate to while you are on your own coded path journey, contact me and we can chat!
If you have a website you want created, let's chat and make it into a reality!
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